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How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it

Bad smell in the bathroom or sewer smell from toilet is a common problem and confuses many families as to where the bad smell comes from? How to remove odors from the toilet? In addition to basic cleaning, it is also necessary to find out the sources of odors, and eliminate odors in the bathroom with the right remedy so that the bathroom is no longer smelly!

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it

6 ways to get rid of bathroom odors

1. Cleansing is the first step in deodorizing

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
Eliminate toilet odors

There are many causes of bad smell in the bathroom, it can be the floor that has not been cleaned for a long time, accumulated urine residue, etc. Only when cleaning the bathroom and solving the basic problems will the situation the next new bad smell can be improved.

2. Solve the source of odors easily formed by moisture

Most families leave towels, towels, floor mats and other items in the bathroom for a long time, these items are easy to absorb moisture, do not change often and keep dry, prone to mold. and produces an unpleasant odor. It is not recommended to store them in the bathroom.

3. Check toilet usage

Whether it is a normal flushing toilet or a siphon, it can be used for many years, causing the sealing ring to be damaged or displaced for a long time, causing the sewer odor to flow back through the gap of the sealing ring. If the toilet still smells no matter how you clean it, you should have someone check the condition of the toilet.

4. Make sure the bathroom is well ventilated

Humidity and high temperature are conditions for bacteria to grow, try to keep the air in the bathroom circulating, push all the accumulated moisture out, avoid letting bacteria multiply in the bathroom and become source of odors.

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
Eliminate odors with coffee grounds

5. Use baking soda to eliminate odors

Baking soda has a dehumidifying and deodorizing effect, which has a dehumidifying effect and odor in the bathroom. Put 3-4 tablespoons of baking soda in a box and put it in the bathroom to maintain the deodorant function for about 2 months. In addition, you can also add a few drops of essential oils to make baking soda not only deodorize but also smell good.

6. Toilet odor eliminator use white vinegar

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
Toilet odor eliminator

The deodorant effect of white vinegar has been recognized by many people. Containing acetic acid - an effective antibacterial agent, white vinegar will help you kill bacteria and mold in the toilet. Since then, the unpleasant odors created by them are also thoroughly treated.

With white vinegar, you just need to pour a little on the corner of the wall in the toilet. You should pay attention not to let white vinegar come into contact with metal objects, if you do not want these objects to rust later.

7. Smelly toilet remedy by burning scented candles 

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
Smelly toilet remedy

Burning scented candles has long been considered the secret to effectively deodorizing toilets. After the toilet is cleaned, light a scented candle. The initial bad smell will slowly disappear and only the relaxing scent will be left by the scented candles.

You should note that this method is simple and fast, but it can cause a fire if you are careless. Therefore, you should only burn scented candles in an open place, away from power lines, light bulbs, water heaters, etc. In addition, if you do not have scented candles, you can also use scented bags or scented wax to replace them. so.

8. Deodorize the toilet with lemongrass

Are you annoyed that the toilet smells even after cleaning? With only one ingredient, the familiar lemongrass in the kitchen, you can quickly deodorize the toilet without much effort. After buying lemongrass, you smash the tubers so that the fragrance is released more. Next, you hang in the bathroom a few branches of lemongrass that have been smashed before.

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas

With a faint natural scent, lemongrass can create a sense of comfort for anyone who walks into your bathroom.

9. Remove sewer smell from toilet with lemon

Similar to lemongrass, lemon is also a familiar spice with a cool natural scent. Therefore, this spice is also used to deodorize the drain in the toilet, which is not easy to remove by conventional methods.

How to remove odors from the toilet | 9 easy ways to do it - Interior Design Ideas
Toilet smells even after cleaning

You need to squeeze the juice of 3-4 lemons, pour some into the toilet and close the lid. The other part you pour into the corners of the toilet, especially in the drain, and then close the door.

You wait for about 1 hour and then flush the toilet and clean the room. At this point, you can feel the fresh scent of lemon.

Note when cleaning

1. Bleach must not be used with other cleaning products

Bleach is a strong cleaning agent, if it is mixed with other cleaning products such as vinegar, ammonia, cleaning alcohol, etc., it will easily create an unpleasant odor and cause irritation to the eyes and nose.

2. Do not use different drain cleaners at the same time

When cleaning drains, don't add a second cleaner just because the first didn't work. Since it is not clear what chemical reaction will occur when two different detergents are combined, dangerous situations can occur.

3. Do not mix baking soda and vinegar in a narrow-mouthed glass jar

Baking soda + vinegar is a favorite combination of many housewives, but adding vinegar to baking soda will cause bubbles, if you prepare two dishes in a narrow-mouthed glass jar, the jar may explode.



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