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Warm wooden house

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

Design team conserve the wood and wood structure of the original wooden house. Ceilings and walls are changed to pure white paint and tones.

Outside landscape

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

Living room

It also makes good use of large windows and slopes, and gives plenty of natural light to make the entire room emit a warm and pressure atmosphere.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

The texture creates a warm texture, and the warm apricot sofa and origami chandeliers expand the view elegantly and simply.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas


The cabinets of wooden series, Nakajima and round dining tables are chosen as the main axis of space, through clear wood grain.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas
Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas
Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

Bed room

The bedroom continues to match the right colors, and the headboard waist wall is covered with flowers and grass motifs, which are lined with gentle and leisurely vacation images.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

Bath room

Warm bathroom with natural light.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas
Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas


The porch is decorated with origami shaped chandeliers that expand the view elegantly and simply

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

Beautiful swimming pool outside the house.

Warm wooden house - Interior Design Ideas

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: Marga Coma



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