Chao moi nguoi,
Viec lua chon phan mem ung dung theo minh phu thuoc vao mot so van de sau:
1. Phan mem co dap ung duoc yeu cau bai toan dat ra khong? Muc do tinh toan cua phan mem den muc nao?
2. Gia thanh cua phan mem co phu hop voi kha nang tai chinh cua doanh nghiep hay khong?
3. Kha nang ket noi voi cac chuong trinh khac de tang hieu qua su dung cua phan mem?
4. Tinh don gian khi su dung, kiem soat duoc so lieu dau vao va dau ra cua chuong trinh?
Hien nay, o Viet nam hau het cac cong ty tu van lon deu chon RM de thiet ke cac cong trinh cau lon vi ly do RM la phan mem chuyen giai quyet cac bai toan ve cong trinh giao thong (cu the la cau) va cong ty phat trien phan mem nay da co hon 35nam kinh nghiem trong linh vuc phat trien phan mem ve cau va tu van cac cong trinh cau lon tren khap the giọi
Minh xin gui cac tinh nang cua phan mem RM2006 (version moi nhat hien nay) de moi nguoi tham khao. Neu ai co nhu cau tim hieu cac cong ty tu van va cac cong trinh cau lon tren the gioi da su dung phan mem RM hoac tim hieu mua ban quyen phan mem nay xin lien he voi toi theo dia chi:
Module Descriptions
February 2007
Only RM2006: Basic RM module for 3-D structural analysis
Add. GP2006/Full Geometry: The full geometric preprocessor
ASCII interface TCL Format: Powerful file operation with programming facilities
Reinforced Concrete Design Reinforced concrete design to user defined material curves – code dependent
Pre-stressed/Post-tensioned Concrete The full pre-stressing package including internal and external cables, pre-stressing cables, cable losses, fibre stress checks and plots, ULS & SLS design checks (Shear & Ultimate Moment)
Composite Structures Full composite calculation up to 8 individual parts -different components and materials
P-Delta Effect + Eigenvalues (Stability)Takes account of the additional moment resulting from the applied axial force times the distance to the deflected centroid
Calculates Eigen values and carries out stability calculations – Buckling and Failure – buckling shapes – also works for construction stage analysis
Large Deflections: For structures whose deflected shape significantly changes the force distribution. – for Suspension Bridges and Large Cable Structures
Cable Elements: Full calculation of the non linear effects of cable sag – far more than just applying Peterson!!
Non-linear Material, ***** Concrete, Considers the effects of non-linear materials including ***** concrete
Non-linear Springs and Friction Elements The non-linear force/deflection behaviour of the spring can be considered – typically for considering girder “lift-off” from the supports.
Friction elements – considers a user defined friction factor variation (3-Dimensional) – typically for considering girder movement on substructures with sliding bearings.
4.DYNAMICS, Package
Eigen values: mass definition, evaluation of eigenmodes
Response Spectrum: Full response spectrum analysis for any number of eigenvalues. Results are the design forces for the structure for this loading – typically for earthquake analysis (True co-existing values saved in superposition file)
Other Modal Analysis: Full excitation spectrum analysis resulting in the design forces for the structure for this applied loading
Non-linear Time History: Considers the effects of the variation of loading with time: Static loads (load – unload history), Moving loads (typically HSR train), Moving mass
Includes the effects from: Non-linear material; Non-linear geometrie
Non-linear springs; Non-linear dampers
Wind Dynamics: Wind induced vibrations - wind buffeting analysis
I.L.M. Method
A pre-processor that prepares the complete input data from a small user defined data set for the full structural analysis of every stage of construction of a bridge constructed using the incremental launching method
Optimized Stay Cable Tensioning (AddCon)
A dynamic internal processor that finds the optimum stay cable stressing procedure to fit a set of user defined parameters (forces, moments, stresses and/or deflections at certain points) – typically used to find cable stressing procedures in stay cable bridges
“Rolling Stock” Analysis:
Input macro for all positions of a vehicle on a structure for rolling stock analysis – Typically used for assessing dynamic effects of High Speed Rail Trains
Erection control:
An automatic compensation of deformations is performed by this module. The program arranges new elements automatically in the deformed position of the previously active system, taking into account both, the displacement and any rotation of the connection point(s).
AERO CFD module:
Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculation for getting the required aerodynamic coefficients for the wind buffeting analysis. The program investigates the turbulent airflow around this cross section, and calculates the drag, lift and moment coefficients with the respective derivatives for the wind components in the local z- and y-axes.
The module creates an Excel sheet with the required camber values of the specified nodes at the ends of the different stages in the schedule, or at other intermediate points in time in the construction schedule. The camber line can then be presented numerically or graphically like any other displacement distribution.
RMTOOL cantilever :
Considering the segmental construction method and the design of tendons of balanced cantilever bridges regularities occur, that always lead to similar sequences of input in RM.
RM-Tool - Cantilever allows for a simple, clearly arranged and user-friendly input of the system’s geometry, the geometry of the tendons and the particular construction stages.
RMTOOL Rolling Stock Pre-Analysis:
The newest analytical approach enables an overview of the oscillation behaviour as well as the localization of the resonance velocities in case of HSR crossing. For an engineer this approach means a great tool, because the detailed analysis is reduced to minimum!
TDF/TCL Extension (Automated report-Word/Excel/TDF)
TCL Post-Processing,
Graphic Export to AutoCAD (3D structure)Automated report using prepared templates for project documentation + programming interface for advanced users – with a few simple commands a user can get any information out of the database (structure or result info)